Friday, September 05, 2008


Don't you just hate washing socks? What is it about the washing machine, the dryer or perhaps the dirty clothes basket that seems to eat socks? In my laundry room, I have a bucket full of socks that have no match. Somewhere along the way, the other half was lost. What was meant to be two is now one. What was intended to be a matched set now is alone. What was supposed to work together doesn't work at all and is on a shelf because half is missing.

Much like socks, God designed us to work in pairs. Our first thought when I say that is probably marriage. Isn't marriage awesome? Okay....well, some of you didn't get so thrilled about that However, marriage is awesome. It is ordained by God for a purpose. What is that purpose? To be fruitful and multiply. For the man to be the picture of Christ laying down all that He is so that His bride is all she is meant to be in Christ. Much like my washer eating my socks, the world wants to separate our marriages. Divorce is rampant and when two that have become one are separated it causes all sorts of problems-like socks that don't match and only being one instead of two.

God also ordained that there be a matched set in discipleship. In fact, His Word is very clear to say that when He sent followers out, He sent ALL of them in pairs. He intends for everyone to have an "AND". Someone that goes with them. Like, Paul and Barnabas. David and Jonathon. Ruth and Naomi. Men with men and women with women. Not something weird.....but they are matched sets-ordained by God. Go ahead...check it out for yourself. It is God's plan in the Word. What is their purpose? To hold one another accountable and to go out and spread the Word. To grow one another in Christ because the journey was not made to be alone. To encounter Christ daily together and then to share those encounters so others would want them. Why didn't He send them alone? Because God knows that one sock is much have to have a pair for it to be of use. But much like our marriages, the world and even the church tries to promote journeys apart instead of together. Independence instead of dependence is what is advocated. And by staying apart from your match, you are just like a sock without it's other half....not as much good. God's plan is for you to have a matching sock in marriage, but also in discipleship.

I was standing at my washer, thinking I sure wish I knew where all the matches to these socks were when the Lord reminded me....Two are better than one. I never created you to be alone. In fact, it is not good for man to be alone. You need your match. In marriage and in discipleship. I created both and I ordained both with a purpose and a match. To walk any other like trying to wear only one sock. So where is your other sock?

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