Monday, October 11, 2010

exodus 3

Have you ever spoken what is right and true only to find out that it made things worse instead of better? It kind of makes you not want to do what is right or true. However, just because it doesn’t make things better, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have spoken it. How do I know this to be true?
When Moses was sent by God to deliver the children of Israel, Pharaoh did not choose to listen. In fact, not only did he not listen, but because Moses spoke what God said, when he said it, to the person he was to say it to and it didn’t make things better for ANYONE. Reality is that it made it MUCH worse. As a result of what Moses did, Pharaoh chose to batten down the hatches and make things much harder on the children of Israel. He had the taskmasters increase the labor, remove extra help and discipline them when they didn’t accomplish the work.
Consequently, the children of Israel were not at all grateful for Moses showing up. Exodus 5:21 tells us that when Moses and Aaron left Pharaoh, that they were waiting on them to say “may the Lord look upon you and judge you, for you have made us odious in Pharaoh’s sight and in the sight of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to kill us.”
The people were mad at Moses and asking God to judge him for making it harder, when in fact it was God who sent Moses with the words that brought the harsh treatment. How’s that for irony?
So, what’s the point? There is a great lesson for life in this passage. Sometimes speaking the truth makes things harder for a while before the Lord delivers. Before things got better, things got worse. Reality is that just because we speak truth, doesn’t mean freedom will come automatically. Sometimes we have to fight for it. Or better yet, watch God fight for us in it.
Maybe you have spoken words of truth and it only made things worse. Perhaps you have backed away from truth for fear that it would get worse. Odds are that it might. But deliverance will only come when we do as He commanded. It may not get better right away, but hang on, help is on the way. The point is that for better or worse, speak the truth of what God says and trust Him to deliver in His time. Hang on though, it could be a bumpy ride.

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