Monday, December 12, 2005


Okay, so I went to see the Narnia movie. I must confess, I haven't ready the books, so I didn't know exactly what to expect. Jim and I had talked about it a little and I was prepared to look for meaning beyond the story. After all, that is how I live my life.
As we got into the story, I was a little thrown by the beavers. I got that the wolves could be demon angels, doing the the evil one's bidding. But I couldn't figure out the beavers. In the middle of the movie, I asked Jim what the beavers meant. Jim looked at me as if I was crazy and simply stated that it was a movie and that they were pretend. Now, I am frustrated. I asked him how I was supposed to know what to read into and what not to read into.
When we got home, I was talking to Drew about the movie. Come to find out, he has read almost all the books-started in third grade. How I missed that, I am not sure. Towards the end of the conversation, I made mention of the beavers and how if he figures out what they mean, I would like to know.
Drew replied by saying, "that's easy mom". Awestruck, I asked him to explain. He quickly explained that the beavers were the Word of God. I asked him how he got that. He said that the beavers were those who gave instruction and lead the characters to Jesus. They introduced the kids to Jesus and they instructed them on the journey.
How my 12 year old picked up on that and I didn't, I am not sure. But I thought it was awesome that he deduced that the beavers were the Word of God. So now, I am all about the BEAVERS.
point of the story...sometimes kids know more than we think and can explain things to us. They see more than we see and are often paying closer attention than what we think. So, becareful how you may say one thing and do another-and think they aren't seeing it. But they are. If they can understand Narnia-they can understand you! And if they can see that Beavers are the Word, they certainly are capable of studying the Word and learning about Jesus. Let's not sell them short.

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