Monday, December 19, 2005

light and power

During the recent ice storm, many of us lost power in our homes for several days. It was odd to drive by the homes, especially at night and to see the darkness inside. As we drove, we looked for any sign of Light-to indicate that power had been restored. As we saw the lights in the homes, we knew that electricity had been reinstated in that home.
The same could be said for each of us. The world is driving by looking for Light-any sign of power in our lives. But sometimes, all they see is darkness. How sad it is to me to think that we have the LIGHT of the World, the POWER from on high and yet, all people see is darkness. People see the LIGHT and know you have the POWER. As we LIGHT our homes with electricity, should we not LIGHT the world with the POWER that dwells in us. For as they see the LIGHT in us, they will know that POWER has been restored to our lives...
So quit living in darkness and walk into the LIGHT-the world is watching and looking...ALL FOR YOU

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