Tuesday, March 21, 2006


True friends love the friend more than the friendship.
What does that mean? It means they will ask the hard questions and broach the hard subjects despite what it might do to the friendship in order to help the friend. It means they will take the risk to say hard things and get messy in someone else's business in order to help the friend despite what it might do to the friendship. For me, I have some friends like this and I want to be a friend like this. I want to be the friend that loves the person more than the friendship.
I am a friend of God as well. I am so glad that He loves me that way. God loves me more than He loves being a friend to me. This is why He will say tough stuff, discipline me, question my heart and ask the hard questions-because He loves me more than a relationship with me.
I want to be that kind of friend-one that loves the friend more than the friendship. ALL FOR YOU

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