Monday, March 27, 2006

Hard Things

Sometimes being obedient is a hard thing. why? because sometimes God asks you to do things that are outside of our comfort zone, that require taking a risk or mean that we must sacrifice of ourselves for another.
Obedience is a MARK of the believer. A true believer is one who has enslaved their life to the Father and is obedient to His bidding no matter what is asked...even if it is a hard thing, a risk thing, a sacrifice thing. Obedience is where the truth of our faith is seen-whether it is a mere facade or mask that we wear or the evidence of a heart fully changed and transformed by the Father.
The question of the Father is not what do you want, what do you think or does this make sense. The question of the Father is what have I said and will you obey? Obedience is hard because sometimes it requires us to walk in contrast to our own desires and opinions. However, choosing to disobey when confronted with truth is evidence that you are not on the path that God has for you.
I am so glad that the Father is patient with me concerning these things, because there are days obedience is just hard. But that doesn't mean I don't have to choose to obey.

Isa 14:24-27
24 The LORD of hosts has sworn saying, "Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand,
27 "For the LORD of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate {it} And as for His stretched-out hand, who can turn it back?"

His plan will not be thwarted or changed. We are not going to it back or frustrate it. So we might as well obey and get in on God's deal, because He isn't going to join ours. HIS deal, His plan will stand-not matter what.
So leave your mark.....OBEY!


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