Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Not too long ago, a friend of mine visited Disney World-you know the "happiest place on earth." While there, she encountered another Mom who began to share with her about her daughter. She said that it didn't matter where they took their daughter, that everywhere they went the little girl would just cry. She would cry and say "i don't want to be here, Mommy, I want to go to the Kingdom. I only want to go to the Kingdom."
Of course the little girl was referring to MAGIC KINGDOM and that she didn't want to be in any of the other parks, any of the other places. She wanted to be in the KINGDOM. She wasn't interested in the other rides and the other amusements the "world" had to offer. She wanted to be in the Kingdom. That is all she wanted.
Today, my heart feels a lot like that little girl. Not really interested in what the world has to offer. Not amused by the attractions and entertainment it is throwing my way. I am sure it is great and that many would enjoy. I am not even saying that they are wrong to enjoy them. But, today, my heart longs to chase what the little girl stated. My heart is crying out saying "I don't want to be here, Daddy, I want the Kingdom. I ONLY want the Kingdom."
As I have delved into the Scripture, I have been reminded that the Kingdom of heaven is in our midst. (Luke 17:21) It is here and NOW. It is living inside of ME. That Disney World is not the place where Dreams come true. That the Kingdom is alive and well and advancing inside of me. But I was also reminded that it doesn't just fall into our laps. It doesn't just come easily. The Kingdom has come and everyone is forcing their way into it. (Luke 16:16) I can be happy in the other places or I can be like the child who is crying out and forcing her way there, despite the calls and attractions of the world.
Today, I am just a child, crying out and saying that I just want the Kingdom. Only the Kingdom. Nothing else. But today, I am also an adult who realizes that the Kingdom is here and now, inside of me and that I must not sit back and expect it to be an amusement at Disney World, but must work to force my way into it....through all the other stuff....to get to what I really want. ALL FOR YOU

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