Monday, March 23, 2009


I was texting a friend recently about what had happened at church that morning. I didn’t realize til later that a texting typo error had occurred. RE-looking at my typo, I was struck by the significance of that error. Not because of the letters being wrong, but that it perhaps held more truth that I wanted to admit.
I am all about words being a word picture. And this one was just that. A word picture. In trying to type the word SUNDAY, my text instead read sinday. Do you see the problem. Sunday is usually a day where we spend time focused on the Son-Jesus Christ. It is a day created by God to totally set our hearts and minds on Him alone.
But for many of us, it is more sinday than SONday. I get that we go to church on that day, but that doesn’t really make the day all about the SON. We call it a day of rest, thinking it is a day we should relax, focus on what we would like to do and kick back from a hard week’s work. But that is not what Scripture says. Scripture is clear that Sunday, Sabbath, SONday is to be a day where make much of Him, set our hearts and passions to listen and to serve Him. In fact, the Word says we are to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy-set apart, distinct, in use for HIM.
Instead we use SONday to indulge our desires, to entertain family, to catch up, to rest, to be lazy, to do what we want…instead of asking the question-if this is YOUR day…what do YOU want me to do with it that will honor You, make much of You and cause others to see the greatness of You. In some ways, what was intended to be SONday, then becomes sinday. A day where we take what the Lord has given and use it for our own pleasures instead of our pursuit of Him.
I think we need to be careful. We will stay up late for ballgames and keep our kids out late for plays, dances, sporting events and dinner out with friends-but we will use them as an excuse not to gather with other believers because the “need to be in bed’. We will spend money on high dollar tickets to events, games, movies and plays-but will not offer the same sacrifice to the Lord. We will rise early and be on time to work, but be late to the House of God for worship. We will require that our children be at school and have homework done, but let them skip time with the Lord because they are tired or need to get their homework done. We will ground our kids from church, instead requiring them to go. We will choose to spend our afternoons doing yardwork or sitting by a pool, playing golf or with our kids and then find we are too tired to focus on the Lord. We will stay up late watching TV, surfing the net or doing chores, but we will not sacrifice for time with other believers or time in the Word. It is so easy to see how SONday could easily become sinday, just by the simple choices that we make.
Perhaps it is time…for us to reevaluate and makes some different choices. God wants us to SET apart time JUST for Him. Not fifteen minutes…he wants the equal of a WHOLE day every week. 24 hours….Is this happening in our lives. Can you say God got a full on…dedicated 24 hours this week? We will make that effort for our families….what about God? Is it possible that Somedays are just sindays because there was no SON in the day. Or perhaps there was some Son in the day, but has God gotten a set apart day from you?

Exod 20:8 "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.


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