Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Ever had a Bubble Gum Day? You know, one of those days when everything goes wrong and then you step in gum and it is just the last straw that makes you lose it. It’s not that the gum is really that big of a deal, but that everything prior to it exacerbated the situation until that one thing just sent you over the edge.
I had one of those days this week. Not to whine or even share all of my problems, but yesterday started out to be a Bubble Gum day. It started with a phone call saying Noah had forgotten something he had to have for his testing. As I was headed to take him what was needed, I got a text saying Micah had forgotten his lunch and I needed to take care of that. Already, my morning was on tilt.
Trying to redeem the time, I choose to ride my bike to the school to make the delivery, thinking I could exercise, worship with His praises in my ears and make the delivery. I ride quite often, so this should have been an easy task.
The wind was blowing and it felt as though I was towing a boat behind my bike. Climbing every hill got harder and harder. My phone kept shutting off every five minutes and I would have to stop as it would vibrate and see what the issue was. Every mile seemed like ten. I was huffing and puffing and could not believe what should have been an easy task was so difficult. I was tired, sweaty and aggravated with myself, thinking this is ridiculous.
I arrived at the school, made my delivery and went to get back on the bike when my phone freaked again. When I stopped to deal with the issue and looked down, I realized I had a problem. A bigger problem. I had 2 flat tires. I had been riding on my rims for 6 miles. No wonder I was tired.
It is one thing to ride and go the distance, it is another thing to try to do it on the rims. You just need air in the tires to keep the journey from being insufferable. So, I called Jim and asked him if he could meet me at a gas station to give me some money to pump my tires up. I pedaled on my rims another half mile and thought to myself…this is just a Bubble Gum day. Jim met me, only he didn’t have any money…so riding home was not an option. He took one look at my tires and said, “you haven’t been pumping them up, have you.” Well, duh…apparently not. (not what I said…lol) So, we loaded up the bike and he gave me a lift to the house.
All of us have Bubble Gum days. And all of us have times in our lives when we realize we are riding on the rims. Times when we haven’t been putting air in our tires . We start out with good intentions, but life feels like we are towing a boat behind us. Days where we struggle because there is no air, no breath, no wind beneath our wings. Just pedaling on the rims. And in those moments, we don’t need someone to say, “you haven’t been putting air in your tires.” We need someone to help us put air in our tires so we stop riding on our rims.
Riding on the rims is dangerous. It can damage the whole wheel. It is also costly because it requires that you exert twice the energy to make the same journey. Riding on the rims can cause you to not finish because you can’t go the distance without the air, the pump up. It wears you out. Life on the edge, riding on the rims isn’t the way we were designed to make the journey.
But Jim was right in asking me about the air in my tires. Maintenance is a vital part of being able to continue on the journey, so you don’t end up not finishing, on the edge, working double, and being frustrated. We need moments to put air in our tires. Moments where God can breathe fresh wind into our dry bones. (Ez 37) Where the Spirit can cause us to mount up on wings like eagles. (Isa 40) When Jesus can call us aside and say come away with me and find rest. (Mark 6)
Riding on the rims can cause you to have blow out, a crash and burn. So perhaps, we need to step aside and let Him breathe on us so that when those Bubble Gum days come we don’t end up losing it.
My bike still sits in the garage, in need of air. But today, I am letting the Spirit breathe on me so that I don’t live life on the edge or ride on the rims. How about You? Do you have someone that can help blow your tires up and get you going again? Someone encouraging you to take time for maintenance? Someone who won’t let you just live life on the edge, but wants you to have the fullness of God’s breath on you so that you don’t crash?
Or are you just riding on the rims?

Isa 40:28-31
28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable.
29 He gives strength to the weary, and to {him who} lacks might He increases power.
30 Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly,
31 Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up {with} wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.


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