Monday, February 07, 2011

replacement value

Replacement Value
Insurance companies don’t just insure for the cost of something when it is purchased. Most insure for replacement value. In other words, what it would cost to replace that item now, in the condition it is in. It is a pretty good concept, if something is torn down or lost it is vital to insure that you can replace it. Most of us understand this principle when it comes to insurance, but what about in our spiritual lives.
The Word says that we are to tear down strongholds and vain imaginations. (2 Cor 10:5) And EVERY lofty thought that exalts itself above God. For many of us, we need to do some demolition work in our minds. We need to tear down that which has is a stronghold of thought. That which doesn’t match up to the Word. We need to destroy those thought patterns in us that don’t lead us to live in a manner that lines up with the Word. But the work doesn’t stop with the demolishing. There is a need for REPLACEMENT VALUE.
Psalm 119:11 says that as we hide the Word of God in our hearts, we will not sin against God. In the previous verses it says that we can keep our way PURE by living according to the Word. We can live what we don’t know and we can’t know what we don’t study, read and meditate on. It is NOT enough for us to tear down destructive thoughts and thought patterns or things that don’t line up with the Word. We must replace those thoughts with the WORD itself, so that we will not sin or return to the sin we tried to tear down.
So often, we try to tear down the thoughts, refute them, deny them, but we do so without clinging to or replacing those thoughts with truth and the Word. We must REPLACE the sin, with the WORD. If we are not, we WILL return-not to God, but to the sin. It is the Word that sets us apart and does the sanctifying work in our lives. (John 17)
The question for us is are we tearing down the strongholds? But more importantly, do we understand replacement value? That we must immediately replace the stronghold of thought with truth so we don’t fall temptation to sin.
As for me, “I will run in the path of YOUR COMMANDS for you are setting my heart free.” Psm 119:32.
“My soul is crushed with longing after your commands at ALL times.” Psm 119:20
Tear down what is keeping you from and replace with what will!

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