Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Amazing Grace

Recently, I have been bending my heart around falling IN LOVE with Jesus. To be madly, head over heels, to die for IN LOVE with Him. Not just emotion, commitment or duty, but to genuinely be consumed by/with Jesus. As I have pursued that-full on-the Lord brought me to a place of asking if HE was enough. Am I satisfied with JUST HIM? My answer has been yes, that I want MORE of HIM. I am not looking for more to do, for Him to do more for me...I just want to live and move and have my being IN HIM and LOVE HIM with all my heart, soul, mind and strength-totally given to Him, holding nothing back.
The question that came back to me in that pursuit was "is my grace enough". If that is all you get...of me (thank God it isn't all we get-for He is GRACIOUS), is My grace enough. What if GRACE is all I get?
I really had to step back and evaluate my heart, to honestly say, No. Wow, what a revelation. To think that grace has appeared to all men (being Jesus) bringing salvation, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires, to live sensibly, righteously and godly. (titus 2:11-12) It is grace that has saved us. (eph 2:5) His grace should be enough.
And yet, the reality of my heart was that is really wasn't. I said I was grateful for His grace. That it was sufficient for me. But it wasn't until earlier today that Grace truly became amazing to me. For it was I who walked according to the course of this world. It was I who lived in the lust of my flesh, indulging it's desires. It was I who was disobedient. But God, being rich in mercy and because of His love for me, even when I was dead, disobedient and not even realizing the depth of my sin, made me alive. He breathed on me. So that He might show the greatness of His grace and covenant. It was because of His grace that my I am free. For it was for freedom that Christ died. (Gal 5:1) His grace has set me free.
I have been searching for freedom....and I realized today that Grace has set me free. I got in the car today and the song Amazing Grace came playing through my ipod. But not just the traditional words. The words of a new chorus began to ring in my car and in my heart as the realization of His Grace swept through my soul.
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, My Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood, His mercy rains
unending Love, amazing grace.
And for the first time ever....I can honestly say, His grace is enough. My chains are GONE...I am FREE.


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