Saturday, September 23, 2006


recently, I have found my heart craving more intimacy. Not just in my earthly relationships, but also with my FATHER in heaven. I don't want just to be "friends" or a "christian". I want the abundance of Covenant, intimacy, consumation and Oneness. I have been sitting in the thought of being consumed and therefore consumated in a relationship. Not just being consumed with, but consumed by. That desire has stepped even further...not just becoming one, but being as ONE. Jesus' prayer for us was that we and the Father would be one as He is one.
Intimacy is part of that process. Opening up yourself, transparency and vulnerablity-are all things most of us fear but are the very things that are required for intimacy to occur. Whether with a friend, a spouse or our Father....we must be willing to open up in order to be intimate friends...intimate lovers and intimate with our Father in heaven.
I am beginning to understand the risk of intimacy. But I am also beginning to crave that I seek more than just the normal walk with Jesus and long for a oneness and a closeness that comes only from intimacy. I want intimacy with Him....for us to be ONE. Which means I must be willing to open up and be vulnerable, trusting that the ONE I am giving my life to will never leave me, forsake me, hurt me...but do only that which is for my good.


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