Friday, August 11, 2006

2 responses

Jesus enters a small town and finds 2 men possessed by demons. The demons immediately recognize Jesus and realize that their end is coming. They say to Him, "if you are going to cast us out, send us into the herd of swine."
I have heard many ask what the pigs did to deserve such a sentence, for not long after the demons entered the swine, the pigs ran off the edge of the cliff into the sea and died. The story is not really about the pigs. In fact, it isn't really about the demons either. It is about the herdsman, to whom the pigs belonged.
You see, the pigs had herdsman that were at the very least watching over them. When Jesus sent the demons into the pigs and the pigs went over the cliff, the herdsman had a response to Jesus. They ran away!
They ran away and went to the city to report everything that just happened. Now, in my opinion, the event was a pretty miraculous, cool thing that I would have loved to have been present for. However, these guys thought differently. In fact, I am guessing their report was less than favorable. I mean...They did lose their pigs in the deal.
So, by the time Jesus got to the city, the whole place came out to meet Him. Not to say thanks for saving us from the demons, for making it where we could pass by the place where they were, for the miracle, for not sending the demons into ME. NO, they came out to implore (strong word) Him to leave. Jesus, the Son of God shows up, casts demons into pigs and the people ask Him to leave. Why? Because they lost their pigs? Crazy thought!

But when we encounter Jesus, we have 1 of 2 responses to Him. We are either amazed by Him or we will implore Him to leave. We will either be gripped by the amazing grace, mercy and sacrifice of Him or we will be afraid of loss, change and His power and will implore Him to leave. We will either be drawn to His love, His tenderness and forgiveness or we will be fearful of what He will require, the transformation that He will bring and what that will mean to us.
The question today....Is which response do you have to Jesus? Think carefully-before you say the first. Be sure that you have not asked Him to leave because what He wants done makes you uncomfortable. You would rather be in control of your pigs than to lose them to the King.

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