Friday, January 01, 2010

Big God

What would happen if we defied the odds, didn’t focus on our disadvantages, didn’t make excuses or try to avoid hard situations? What if we could actually believe that God is bigger and more powerful than anything we face? We could thrive in tough situations and know that despite impossible odds that amazing miracles were possible. This is how God reveals glory and blesses us at the same time.
Sometimes God chooses not to intervene until we are at a place where the supernatural is necessary. He is not merely looking to equip us to answer and fill our own needs, but to bring us to the brink of brokenness and desperation so that we NEED Him, depend on Him and not ourselves. Why would we need God, if we can provide for, fix and depend on ourselves. He lets us go our own way, try to find satisfaction in this life and leave us to ourselves to discover that nothing compares to His way and His provision.
Too often we try to reduce God to our plans, our desires and what we can comprehend or understand. What we like or what makes sense to us. But when God does something it is indescribable, undeniable and often unexplainable….so that it can only be explained by HIS doing. This is where we learn what true faith is…trusting Him with those we love even when we don’t understand. Awaiting a divine intervention so that HIS glory is seen and not our demands.
Tozer says, the most important thing about any man is what comes to mind when you think about God.
“the most portentous fact about any man is not what he at any given time may say or do, but what he in his deep heart conceives God to be like…were we able to extract from any man a complete answer to this question, we might predict with certainty the spiritual future of that man.”
Most of our problems are perceptual. In other words, they can be traced back to an inadequate understanding of who God is. We THINK we know, we are satisfied with what we THINK we know, we are comfortable with what we THINK we understand, but our biggest issues and problems stem from the fact that our view of God and what we THINK about HIM has given us a perception of life that is inadequate and inaccurate. We reduce God to what we can see, understand, like, comprehend, explain and justify.
We are not okay with the unexplainable. We constantly are looking for ways to make it all “fit” into what we can understand. We do not have a HIGH VIEW of God. We THINK we do, but it is evidenced by how we live that we continually want to reduce and reproduce faith into what we can manage.
“a low view of God is the cause of a hundred lesser evils.” (tozer)
The greatest tragedy in life is that as we grow older our God gets smaller and smaller with each passing day, instead of unfathomable. We are not okay with a God that is so big and His ways are so not ours, that we could not fathom or grasp the depth and height of what He might do. When we begin to be okay with NOT understanding…God gets bigger and bigger and what He can do become indescribable and indestructible, inconceivable and incomprehensible…and we glory in that…not trying to reduce Him to what we can see, manage, justify, understand, put into a comfortable box. We miss so much of God because we are trying to “fit” Him into what we can fathom instead of embracing how big He really is.


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