Monday, January 11, 2010

somebody else?

Somebody Else?
Can’t somebody else do it? I don’t want to get involved. Let someone else do get in the middle of it, serve, fill the gap, help out, get involved. It’s none of my business, let someone else do it. I have too much to do, let someone else.
OMG….will somebody please tell me who “else’s” name is? Because I am so tired of hearing about this anonymous person named “else”.
I realize that we are busy people. But the truth is we are selfish people. We make time for what we want to do. We don’t want to get involved, get in the middle of it, serve, help out, etc. Why? Because it will cost us something, it will keep us from what we want to do, it will force us to lay aside self and serve another.
But at the people of God, isn’t this at the very core of who we should be. We should be people involved in one another’s lives, helping, serving, standing in the gap, getting in each other’s business so that they are accountable and kept from falling. We KNOW this to be true…because we say…Let someone ELSE do it. We know SOMEONE needs to do it? But who is the someone ELSE?
The someone else is YOU. The someone else is Me. If God has allowed us to see a need, a problem, a place to serve, a place that is lacking…then WE are the people to fill. But in our selfishness and in our laziness, we just want to talk about the someone ELSE who should, making ourselves feel better cause we have talked about it, but we never do anything.
Will you be the SOMEONE ELSE everybody is talking about it? That was the question they asked Jesus.
Matt 11:3 and said to Him, "Are You the Expected One, or shall we look for someone else?"
He was the Expected ONE….and they didn’t need to look for someone else. Jesus lives IN YOU and you are the ONE He expects and HE is not looking for another.
So, will you be the someone else God is looking for…or will you continue in the laziness and selfishness and just talk about the someone else who should do something?


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