Tuesday, November 15, 2005

marvelous sight

Why is it that we think what we can accomplish on our own is better than what God can accomplish? Isn't faith and hope trusting in what we can not see? I think we miss out on great things because we only have faith and hope in what is seen. Romans 8 says, hope that is seen is not hope, for why does one hope for what he sees....that does not take faith! But the Spirit of God helps our weaknesses. I must confess, sometimes I am weak in this area. I do Believe that what God can do is better and more than I can do, but sometimes I am deceived into what I can see instead of hoping in what I can't. I am laying that down today-to say that I am waiting and watching for the Lord's doing-hoping and believing in what He is doing and knowing that it will be marvelous when He is done.
Ps 118:23 This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.


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