Monday, November 07, 2005

Real men stand up

okay....number 2 blog from the bathroom...but hey, it is working!
My 3 year old has been potty trained for about 6 months. But for the life of me I have been unable to get him to go standing up. Maybe it is because I am a woman. But today, he saw his brother do it and for whatever reason it clicked. And guess what-break through...yep, he did it standing up. Then he had to call his dad and tell him and share with all his friends at MMO that he did it standing up.
Okay, I know this seems a little crass after yesterdays blog, but there is a point worth making.
Real men stand up. There is a process of becoming a man. The issue is not can you do it....the issue is do you stand up. NO...I am not talking about bathrooms any more. There comes a time, when men must make a stand. To stand up and be MEN. Sure you are a man, but BEING a man means standing up for what is right, when it is hard, inspite of persecution, despite loss. Real Men stand up, no matter the cost, regardless of what everyone else thinks whenever it is required. Real Men stand up.
My son is in the process of learning that. It started at the potty, but I pray it doesn't stop there.
The question you stand up?

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