Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Bubble Gum Days

I had one of those days yesterday....you know, like I talked about in the surrender blog. I won't go into the details, except to say that I am glad yesterday is over and today is a new one. However, the thing to be considered is that God takes what is intended for evil and makes it good....for us and for His glory. All things work together for our GOOD and His GLORY. Again, I find myself thankful for His grace that saves, instructs, disciplines and teaches me how to live everyday. To live sensibly, righteously and godly in this world. Because it is His grace that is teaching me to die to myself-especially on bubble gum days. To simply lay aside all that I am in the course of difficulty and say death to me so that Christ might live in me. It is so much easier to deal with life, when I am dead...(think about that one!) ALL FOR YOU

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