Tuesday, February 22, 2005


we all have DREAMS. But not all of our dreams are God's DREAM for us. Sometimes, we chase after things that seem good, but are not what God has for us. We all DREAM of earthly things, but I often wonder if God's DREAM for us has little to do with things here on earth. I mean....earthly stuff. God's DREAM must be more than houses and lands, jobs and goals. In fact, Scripture says that God is looking over all the earth to find a man whose heart is fully devoted to Him. Could it be that God's DREAM for us is to be fully devoted to Him? Could His DREAM become ours? Are we truly willing to go through what it may mean for that to be true of us?
I DREAM of houses and families and sons. I DREAM of vacations and romantic evenings in the moonlight. None of those things are wrong....but God's DREAM is so much more...and although I long for earthly things, I am beginning to understand that the desires of my heart will be fulfilled when my desire is HIS-to be fully devoted to Him. For it is then, that the earthly things don't matter any longer. DREAM BIG....signed, the DREAMGIVER.

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