Tuesday, February 15, 2005

small faith

The disciples asked the Lord to increase their faith. Lately, I have found myself with the same prayer. And yet, I have found that walking that road is a difficult one, because it means the Lord putting you in places that you MUST learn to trust what you can not see-but trust what you know to be true about HIM. Faith is believing in what you can't see. I don't know that I own that truth yet, but I am so encouraged by a God that wants to increase my faith and yet understands my fraility in that learning process and gives me things I can SEE along the way so that I can trust a little more. I have thought for a long time that my faith was strong, but I am seeing more everyday how small my faith is-because it is so dependent upon what I can see. Faith that is dependent on what we can see, figure out and touch is not really faith at all. I am wondering how many other people struggle with this? Is it just me? Can we all learn to take a step of faith-out of our comfort zone, into what we can not see, but trust God for. It is there....our faith is grown. And that kind of FAITH can move mountains. All it takes is a little-for a lot to be accomplished. Faith is not about seeing, it is about believing. So today....may my small faith trust a very big God. ALL FOR YOU

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